Wednesday, November 19, 2008


table tennis club tournament was held on 24th april 2007. there were 4 clubs on the tournament. that is stag , nittaku , tibhar & butterfly. i played for stag. there were 5 players on a team. stags players were Irufan the captain , Shiura the wise captain , Maadh , Rishfan & me. tibhars players were Naako the wise captain , shafeen the captain , Maizar , Ahusam & Muash. nittakus players were Hamza the captain , shifaan , the wise captain , Nabeel , shasufan & Imjad. Butterflys players were , shirufan the captain , faazil the wise captain , Zeesth , Ishma & Hafna. I played with Nabeel , Zeesth & Ahusam. from Nabeel I won , from Zeesth I lose , from Ahusam I won. other members in my clubs resaults were Irufan won all the matches he played , shiura won 2 matches and lost 1 match. Rishfan won 1 match and lost 2 matches. Maadh won all the matches he played. two teams went to the final , they are stag and nittaku. on the finals i had to play with nittakusv Nabeel. Iwon that match and all the other members in my club even won all the matches they played. we were the CHAMPIONS . nittaku was the secoend club & tibhar was the third club


Optimus said...

mihaaru nice